You will have to forgive any rambling I do in this post. I was awake for unknown reasons until 4 AM, so I'm a little tired.
I have entered a phase of struggle with my poetry. I have too many ideas. Now, you might think that would be a good thing, but having too many ideas can be just as bad as having none. I am having trouble concentrating on just one thing. Several concepts and poems are pulling at my brain every time I try to sit down and write, and I end up confused and scattering my attention. The administration of the website and Twitter and Facebook are also causing me issue.
However ...
I still love what I do. I don't want anyone to think that I am giving up, because I'm not. I just don't want everyone to think it's all great, all the time. I like to be honest and realistic. As much as I wish it wasn't so, life gets in the way sometimes. The nice thing to know is that God's still there and is only a prayer away if we need Him.
New poem up on Wednesday as usual. God bless everyone!