Monday, August 30, 2010


We all have fears whether we admit it or not. Fears of loss, fears of the public speaking, fears of death. My biggest fear though has nothing to do with earthly things. Hearing the dreaded words on Judgment Day. That is my biggest "Fear".

I will be getting a new video up in the near future, perhaps even today. It will be for the poem, "Night" with peaceful music behind it, trying to convey the tone of what I wrote.

Again, I want to offer prayer to anyone who needs it. You can leave a comment here on the blog or contact me through Twitter or Facebook. Be as specific or vague as you like.

Have a great week everyone! May God continue to bless you all!

Friday, August 27, 2010


"Metamorphosis" is a path that many people take to finding the Lord. At the end of their rope, they accept an invitation to church, or stumble in on their own, and start to hear about this thing called salvation. With a hunger in them that they can't explain, they listen and search and study, eventually accepting Christ into their life.

The key, though, is that they are not perfect once they get baptized or say a prayer. They still sin. They still mess up. They still do all those "bad" things. But Jesus still saves them. He died for us, "while we were still sinners". Everything rests on what Jesus did, not what we do.

I hope your week was a blessed one, but if not, I would be happy to pray for you. Get in touch with me and I will add you to my prayers. The link to my various social media outlets are on the right-hand side of the front page of the blog. You can also leave a comment below any of the posts here if you wish.

Have a great weekend everyone! God bless!

Monday, August 23, 2010


There is a huge chasm in the church right now as denominations dig in and refuse to work together as "members of that one body". Congregations are shrinking and no one is willing to lose one more, even if that means being insular. "Chorus" speaks about what God sees when He looks down the church, and what should be happening within it.

I know that this may be controversial, but if you look through the Word the only thing Jesus is concerned with is our devotion to Him, our acceptance of Him, and our relationship with Him. Not what denomination we are, not the works we do, not the doctrine we follow. One bride. One church.

I pray that your week has started well, and continues to be so, every moment of every day. God bless and thank you for your support!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Beyond Comprehension

I don't remember exactly where the title came from, but I think when we take a moment to sit back and REALLY think about what Jesus did for us, we can all agree that it's beyond comprehension. I don't think any of us can fully understand how God, the God of the universe, could come down to Earth as an infant, and then work Himself, literally, to death, all for love. That is a love that is beyond any of us.

However, I tried to express some of that in "Beyond Comprehension". My gratitude, my utter lack of understanding, my love for Him. He reigns, now and forever.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Matchless Redux

I posted about a poem called "Matchless" here about three weeks ago, and I talked about the inspiration for it. I was listening to some music and realized that I forgot a very important part of that.

The song "Holy" by Matt Gilman has been one of my favorites for a long time now. It's what I call a "big song" because it builds to a tremendous crescendo with the refrain of, "There is no one like you/You are holy/Holy!". It speaks directly out of the Book of Revelation about God's holiness and the majesty of heaven around Him.

So I wanted to fix my oversight from a few weeks ago, and clue you in to some great Christian music, and a little more of how my brain works when I'm writing!

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Psong

No, it's not a typo. That's really the title!

"New Psong" was written by taking lines from various Psalms (95, 96, 98, 100, or 101) and filling in between them with lines of my own. It's a lengthy poem but I love the picture of praise that it puts forth. I regularly read it at WVIHOP during our devotional set on Tuesday evenings because it fits so well with the thought of singing prayers and praying songs. And after all, God is so worthy!

So (hopefully) you noticed the huge change to the theme of the blog when you first arrived. I hope that you like the shift in style. I like the purple touches since much of my webpage is purple. The background is very soothing and unobtrusive, as well as showing off the Lord's Creation.

School starts again this week, which I am actually kind of happy about. I am hoping that soon we will settle into a really nice schedule that allows me to communicate more with all of you. I hate being out of touch.

So we shall see what the next month or so brings, and until Friday have a blessed week!

Monday, August 9, 2010

His Words

"Weary (Matt 11:28-30)" is the first poem in a series called "His Words". I am taking the words in red (Jesus' words) and using them actually within the poem itself as well as basing the poem on the Scripture in the titles. Be sure to keep your eyes out for them going forward as I sprinkle them in with the other new poems.

This is our ramp up week as we get ready to go back to homeschooling on Tuesday. School supplies, reformatting computers, forming curriculum ... that's this week. So, this is the only new poem this week, and I'll fill in on Twitter and Facebook with older ones you might have missed.

Have a great week and may God rain down his blessings on your life!