No, it's not a typo. That's really the title!
"New Psong" was written by taking lines from various Psalms (95, 96, 98, 100, or 101) and filling in between them with lines of my own. It's a lengthy poem but I love the picture of praise that it puts forth. I regularly read it at WVIHOP during our devotional set on Tuesday evenings because it fits so well with the thought of singing prayers and praying songs. And after all, God is so worthy!
So (hopefully) you noticed the huge change to the theme of the blog when you first arrived. I hope that you like the shift in style. I like the purple touches since much of my webpage is purple. The background is very soothing and unobtrusive, as well as showing off the Lord's Creation.
School starts again this week, which I am actually kind of happy about. I am hoping that soon we will settle into a really nice schedule that allows me to communicate more with all of you. I hate being out of touch.
So we shall see what the next month or so brings, and until Friday have a blessed week!