I thought that those of you who read my poems might be interested in how I write them.
If not, my apologies.
A majority of the time ideas for a topic or title come to me randomly during the day, as I'm sitting at the library or driving down the road or things like that. I try to always keep my notebook with me for that reason. The "creative download" was a unique occurrence.
The writing, however, almost exclusively happens at night. Late at night. My husband and I spend time together until around 11:00 each night, and then he starts getting ready for bed. I am rarely ready to sleep at that point so I sit on the bed and try to write.
The funny thing is I usually can't. For some reason, my husband has to be asleep and I have to be writing by a little book light clipped to my notebook (yes, I still write my first drafts by hand) for it to work. My best concentration comes in the silence between 12 AM and 2 AM it seems. After that, my brain is mush and nothing gets used that I scribble down.
My husband used to work from 11 PM to 4 AM when our kids were in bed because that garnered him the most useful time and he finished more in that time than in 8 normal work hours. I think I get that now.
I am going to attempt to blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, using Wednesday as my new poem day. (Yes, I'm posting this on a Tuesday. I know.) We'll see how the schedule pans out and go from there. Three more poems in the book last night!
God bless everyone.