Monday, July 13, 2009

Your Download is Finished

I've been worried lately because I was coming to the end of my list of God granted inspirations for my poetry. It's taken about five months, but on Friday I wrote the final poem I had any ideas for. Needless to say, I was a little concerned.

Oh, me of little faith.

Last night as I laid down to sleep at about 1:30, I prayed that God would refresh me and grant me new ideas. And the creative "download" began immediately. I spent the next half an hour constantly writing as wave after wave of topics, titles, and ideas flowed into my mind. I literally filled a page of my bedside notepad with these things.

Wow. Talk about instant gratification.

I continue to be amazed at His grace and desire to give if only I will ask. I was living under a misconception for a long time that you should never ask for a blessing for yourself. Boy, was I wrong!

I'll get the new poem, Guilty, up tomorrow. It's a style I've never done before so I am anxious to see what others think. God bless!


"For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." - Matthew 7:8