Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Remember My Name

There is a new poem on the website, as promised, called Remember My Name.

I wanted to let those of you who follow me on Facebook know that at the end/beginning of each month, depending on how the days fall, I will send out a recap update of poems and blog posts from the previous month. That way if you missed something you'll be able to catch up at that point. I will always post on Twitter when anything new happens as well.

My webmaster and I have a couple new features in the works for the website, which I am looking forward to, so I'll keep you in the loop about those.

Have a great day everyone, and God bless!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Modus Operandi

I thought that those of you who read my poems might be interested in how I write them.

If not, my apologies.

A majority of the time ideas for a topic or title come to me randomly during the day, as I'm sitting at the library or driving down the road or things like that. I try to always keep my notebook with me for that reason. The "creative download" was a unique occurrence.

The writing, however, almost exclusively happens at night. Late at night. My husband and I spend time together until around 11:00 each night, and then he starts getting ready for bed. I am rarely ready to sleep at that point so I sit on the bed and try to write.

The funny thing is I usually can't. For some reason, my husband has to be asleep and I have to be writing by a little book light clipped to my notebook (yes, I still write my first drafts by hand) for it to work. My best concentration comes in the silence between 12 AM and 2 AM it seems. After that, my brain is mush and nothing gets used that I scribble down.

My husband used to work from 11 PM to 4 AM when our kids were in bed because that garnered him the most useful time and he finished more in that time than in 8 normal work hours. I think I get that now.

I am going to attempt to blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, using Wednesday as my new poem day. (Yes, I'm posting this on a Tuesday. I know.) We'll see how the schedule pans out and go from there. Three more poems in the book last night!

God bless everyone.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Christmas in July

I'm sure everyone has been in this position ...

You've got something really great that only you know about, and you desperately want to share it ... but you can't.

That's where I am. I've got two new poems written that I'm SO excited about ... but it's not time for them. So I have to wait; something I am in no way good at.

I do have three others finished though that I can post, and I will do that soon. Right now, to not exhaust what I have to offer and not put pressure on myself to write faster, I'm planning to post a new poem once a week. If I find myself with a huge backlog I will change that, but this schedule is something I am comfortable with for the moment.

Thank you to everyone who has added me on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, or just visited the website to read my poetry. I appreciate your support and your interest. God bless you all!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Best Friend

There's a new poem up on the website called Best Friend.

Something you will find as you read my poetry and get to know me is that I am very influenced and inspired by music. Music has been a huge part of my life since I can remember. I was always in choir, there were were always records playing at home, and it just became ingrained in me. There are songs that define an event for me, even a time period in my life.

Last week was full of havoc, so I didn't get much writing done. I hoping to have something to put up later this week, so stay tuned! God bless!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bringing You Up to Speed

Here all the posts from my personal blog containing anything about my poetry if you're interested in the history.

Now, I don't always write Christian poetry. I've written a poem for each of my children that you won't find on the website or here on this blog. For those poems, you have to check my personal blog under the tag poetry. That should get you all caught up on the journey since January!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


A new poem has been added to the website called Guilty.

I'm going to create a post soon that will include a link to every post from my personal blog containing a poem I have written. Hopefully that will help everyone get caught up to where we are now.

Not much else to say right now, so God bless and enjoy the poem!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Your Download is Finished

I've been worried lately because I was coming to the end of my list of God granted inspirations for my poetry. It's taken about five months, but on Friday I wrote the final poem I had any ideas for. Needless to say, I was a little concerned.

Oh, me of little faith.

Last night as I laid down to sleep at about 1:30, I prayed that God would refresh me and grant me new ideas. And the creative "download" began immediately. I spent the next half an hour constantly writing as wave after wave of topics, titles, and ideas flowed into my mind. I literally filled a page of my bedside notepad with these things.

Wow. Talk about instant gratification.

I continue to be amazed at His grace and desire to give if only I will ask. I was living under a misconception for a long time that you should never ask for a blessing for yourself. Boy, was I wrong!

I'll get the new poem, Guilty, up tomorrow. It's a style I've never done before so I am anxious to see what others think. God bless!


"For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." - Matthew 7:8

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Quick Update

I just wanted to pop in real quick to let everyone know there is a new poem up on the website called Wanderers. Now back to my Sabbath!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New Additions

There is a new poem up on the website called Scourge.

Also, the website has a new header lovingly created by my webmaster. There is a Facebook feed on the front page where you can sign up to be a fan of my poetry, and as I mentioned in my last post, you can now send a poem to a friend.

I have added a poll here to get an idea for how people found out about my poetry. Please take minute to answer it. I am also adding links here as I think of them, so be sure to keep an eye out for those too!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Share the Love

My fantastic webmaster added a new feature to my website yesterday. You can now e-mail a link to any of the poems to a friend by using a form at the bottom of every page. I've been wanting to do this so that if you see a poem that really strikes you as being helpful to someone you know, there's an easy way to pass it along. I hope it ends up being a great way for you to connect with friends and encourage them in a new way.

As always, let me know what you think of the website and the new feature. I'll keep you updated as new things go up!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So, here we go!

I wanted to differentiate my personal stuff from my work with words, so we're starting anew with a fresh blog, a Twitter account, and renewed vigor. You'll find links to a Facebook page, the Twitter account, my personal blog, and the website that is the basis for this blog to your right. If you have comments, complaints, suggestions, feel free to log them. I can't promise I'll accept them, but I'll at least listen.

God's been telling me for a while that poetry is my ministry. I've been passively working on it for a while, but I get the feeling it's time to kick it into gear. So, here I am, pulling stuff together, doing everything I can to get my message out there. We'll see what happens. Thanks for joining me on the ride.