Friday, June 25, 2010

Prayer Requests

Hello everyone! I hope your week has been wonderful and all is well in your life!

If so, praise God!

If not, I'd be honored to pray for whatever chaos is going on in your life. Please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comments of this post, or any other posts in the future for that matter. Alternately, if you'd like to keep the details private, e-mail me at and know that I will be praying for you. Prayer has made such a difference in my life and I would be happy to pass that on to others.

Have a great weekend and know that God loves you, every single second of every single day, no matter what!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beautiful Garden

Today's poem is about the longing we all feel to return to Eden, to beauty, to God. I have read some of (and need to finish) Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge and this is one of the things I really identified with. I also really feel a connection to the song, "Eden", by Phil Wickham. It's as if there is a pull on my heart to return to that pure and innocent place where life began.

In case you missed the big announcement on Monday, my poetry now has its own channel on YouTube! I will be reading a poem and letting my husband transform it into a video with his music and a beautiful background. I'm very excited about getting my poetry out there like this, and I pray it will continue to spread the Good News all over the world.

I figured I would take this opportunity to re-post all of the ways you can connect with me and my poetry, including the brand new addition! They are as follows:

Website -

Twitter -

Facebook -

YouTube -

E-mail -

I am so glad you've joined me here and I'd love to get your opinions about the poetry, the website, or anything else that's on your mind. Thanks for your support and may God continue to bless you always!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Exciting News!

Last Thursday night during my meditation time, God revealed to me a wonderful new idea for getting my poetry out into the world. I've been so excited to share it with you, and I'm thrilled to now be able to do so!

My poetry now has a YouTube channel where I will be reading my poetry and posting it as a video with music and a background. The first poem I've done is "Come Home" and I think it has turned out fabulously. The YouTube channel is here, and you can subscribe if you'd like an e-mail update when new videos are posted. I am going to try to get at least two more up before the end of this week, and after that I'm going to attempt to produce one every two weeks or so.

This would not have been possible without the support, iMac skills and music of my husband. All I had to do was read the poem and he did everything else. He's an amazing blessing to me.

So there you go! Thanks for reading and I pray that this new avenue will bring you closer to God through the poems! God bless everyone!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Flame of Faith

Well, summer is going to busier than I thought! Where did my week go?

Today I offer up "Flame of Faith" to you. It was inspired by the lyrics of "Stir Up the Flame" by Misty Edwards, a worship leader at KC-IHOP. The poem talks about how our faith is a flickering flame and must be nurtured before it goes out.

During last night's meditation, I was granted a phenomenal idea by the Lord. I don't want to say too much before I have it fleshed out, but I promise it will be a great way for you to experience the poetry you find here. As soon as I know the specifics, I will post here and let you know. I am so excited about this and I cannot wait to share it with everyone!

Have a fabulous weekend and stay tuned for the announcement! God bless!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back to Normal

Life is at last starting to slow down again!

On Tuesday, I posted Encounter, a poem about the first time I encountered the Holy Spirit. I was watching the KC-IHOP live feed of the IHOPU Student Awakening service. I'd been having a rough time with some things and I wrote some rather scathing things in my journal towards God. He answered rather quickly with a song, and then I was very literally overwhelmed by the Spirit, forced to my knees while my husband prayed over me.

Today brings Cloudy, my first poem of the spring. I just could not find any inspiration during the dark of winter, and this was my re-entry into writing. It also speaks to me about the darkness overtaking the world right now, and the renewal Christ will bring when He returns.

On a personal note, ten years ago today I was laboring away, awaiting the arrival of our first child. It's hard to believe, but today she turns ten, growing up every day. I wrote poems about each of my kids last year that you can see on my personal blog here, here, and here. Boy, has the time flown by.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and may God continue to bless you all!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


A new poem! Gasp!

is similar in style to At the Foot of the Cross as it gives differing viewpoints on the hours of Jesus' death. The cross was a huge focus for me at the time of both poems, stemming from my visions during meditation. It became very clear that He intended for me to write about the cross in many different ways.

I pray you all have a great weekend and I will be back with you next week! God bless!