Life is at last starting to slow down again!
On Tuesday, I posted Encounter, a poem about the first time I encountered the Holy Spirit. I was watching the KC-IHOP live feed of the IHOPU Student Awakening service. I'd been having a rough time with some things and I wrote some rather scathing things in my journal towards God. He answered rather quickly with a song, and then I was very literally overwhelmed by the Spirit, forced to my knees while my husband prayed over me.
Today brings Cloudy, my first poem of the spring. I just could not find any inspiration during the dark of winter, and this was my re-entry into writing. It also speaks to me about the darkness overtaking the world right now, and the renewal Christ will bring when He returns.
On a personal note, ten years ago today I was laboring away, awaiting the arrival of our first child. It's hard to believe, but today she turns ten, growing up every day. I wrote poems about each of my kids last year that you can see on my personal blog here, here, and here. Boy, has the time flown by.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and may God continue to bless you all!