Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beautiful Garden

Today's poem is about the longing we all feel to return to Eden, to beauty, to God. I have read some of (and need to finish) Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge and this is one of the things I really identified with. I also really feel a connection to the song, "Eden", by Phil Wickham. It's as if there is a pull on my heart to return to that pure and innocent place where life began.

In case you missed the big announcement on Monday, my poetry now has its own channel on YouTube! I will be reading a poem and letting my husband transform it into a video with his music and a beautiful background. I'm very excited about getting my poetry out there like this, and I pray it will continue to spread the Good News all over the world.

I figured I would take this opportunity to re-post all of the ways you can connect with me and my poetry, including the brand new addition! They are as follows:

Website -

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YouTube -

E-mail -

I am so glad you've joined me here and I'd love to get your opinions about the poetry, the website, or anything else that's on your mind. Thanks for your support and may God continue to bless you always!