Friday, August 27, 2010


"Metamorphosis" is a path that many people take to finding the Lord. At the end of their rope, they accept an invitation to church, or stumble in on their own, and start to hear about this thing called salvation. With a hunger in them that they can't explain, they listen and search and study, eventually accepting Christ into their life.

The key, though, is that they are not perfect once they get baptized or say a prayer. They still sin. They still mess up. They still do all those "bad" things. But Jesus still saves them. He died for us, "while we were still sinners". Everything rests on what Jesus did, not what we do.

I hope your week was a blessed one, but if not, I would be happy to pray for you. Get in touch with me and I will add you to my prayers. The link to my various social media outlets are on the right-hand side of the front page of the blog. You can also leave a comment below any of the posts here if you wish.

Have a great weekend everyone! God bless!